
News to Help Your Company Hire and Build Your Workforce.

People don’t want to attend more career fairs, they want a job.

Candidates at all career stages are over the career fair experience doing fly by introductions and resume dropping. The effort and impersonal nature of career fairs aren’t worth the expense.

Follow the conversation on Reddit and let us know your opinion.

Candidates are much more interested in qualified Match opportunities and learning about jobs through Career Exploration events.

Learn more about the difference here.

73% of people are choosing non-traditional educators to get the knowledge they need.

Since 2022, people have made different decisions about where they get the knowledge they need and why they’re getting it. There is distinct change in perceived value of a university experience and a degree. Read more from PEW research.

For companies that means focusing on universities as a sole source of recruiting new candidates, will only give you access to 5-10% of the work ready population.

Want to extent that reach? Create your pepelwerk account and automatically get access to students registered in a variety of education providers.

How you treat people during a layoff matters.

Everyday companies have to decide how to maintain the financial health of their businesses. Sometimes that means, having to lay off people. In fact, according to HR Executive 90% of companies will layoff people in 2024. The experience doesn’t have to be traumatic for either party. The top five challenges that people have with being laid off are the same five challenges that companies have to confront to make the decisions.

  1. Who gets laid off needs to be as equitable and reasonable as possible and cannot be driven by political favoritism or FIFO or LILO techniques.
  2. Being informed via email sucks.
  3. Being treated like past work had no value is demoralizing.
  4. Facing concerns about income makes people anxious.
  5. Breaking up with good employees is hard. We can help you create a plan that is equitable and less stressful on everyone involved.

We can help you create a plan that is equitable and less stressful on everyone involved.

Career paths vs closing the skills gap.

Take a moment to reflect on your own career. Did it follow a dedicated path? Or, was it like 90% of us, where our career and work life changed based on the economy and our work lives.

So, if life has required most of us to develop skills based on the jobs we have signed up to do- then why would we lead the next generation through a learning path that doesn’t prepare them for the real world of work?

pepelwerk helps all of our companies build a workforce based on in-demand skills. We are capable of providing predictive intelligence to help the people, companies and educators in our marketplace close the skills gap to keep work moving.

Learn more from one Educator about skills vs career pathways and how we believe it impacts a company’s ability to hire a capable workforce.

HR’s role in the future of work.

HR is one role in the organization that constently changes. The expectation of HR in your business is dependent on what your CEO prioritizes and the structure of your leadership team.

Our hope at pepelwerk is that HR get’s a chance to focus on people and culture in this new era of work. Check out Deloitte’s point of view and follow us on Twitter to share your opinion.

Regardless of what you want HR to do in your business, pepelwerk is here to help you simplify, customize and humanize your Talent Acquisition and Management needs.

Get access to thousands of dollars in grants and tax benefits.

The U.S government and many other brilliant people new that we are on the brink of the largest skills and employment deficit in the history of modern civilization.

This isn’t dooms day kind of conversations. If you don’t think that this is a reality, then you must have no problem sourcing, developing and managing the new generation of employee.

If you are like most organizations, the reality is felt daily and impacts the business.

Our customers get access to thousands of dollars of grants and incentives for actively participating in protecting and building a healthy workforce.

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